Emergency Vehicles & Street Safety

What to do if an Emergency Vehicle approaches

The Highway Code Rule 219 says you should look and listen for ambulances, fire engines, police, doctors, or other emergency vehicles using flashing blue, red or green lights and sirens or flashing headlights, or if traffic officers and incident support vehicles using their flashing amber lights. Do not panic, consider the route of such a vehicle, and take appropriate action to let it pass, whilst complying with all traffic signals.

We recommend that you take the following actions if you should hear or see an emergency vehicle approaching.

  • When you hear an emergency siren or see an emergency vehicle (blue lights) indicate and pull over steadily when and where it is safe to do so. Not on the brow of a hill or bend or road junction.
  • Be aware that other emergency vehicles may also be going to the same incident. Once you have stopped and the first emergency vehicle has passed, have a good look round, check your mirrors and listen to ensure that no other emergency vehicles or other vehicles that may be around you, before signalling and driving on.
  • Do not endanger yourself, other road users or pedestrians and avoid mounting the kerb.
  • Do not brake harshly on approach to a junction or roundabout, as a following vehicle may not have the same view as you.
  • Pedestrians must wait on the pavement away from the kerb or side of the road and keep looking and listening, ensuring no further emergency vehicles are coming, once all emergency vehicles have passed, keep looking & listening until it is safe to cross.

Advice on Rule 219 Emergency & Incident Support Vehicles - gov.uk

Advice on Pedestrian Safety - gov.uk

Parking & Street Safety Advice

There are simple steps that you can do to help us protect your community.

When parking please leave enough room for a Fire Engine to Pass. If there is not enough room, then we will be delayed in getting to the emergency and lives may be placed at risk.

  • Fire Hydrants signs indicate where a fire hydrant is located.
  • Leave 3 metres clearance in the road, to allow fire engines to pass.
  • Don't parking over fire hydrants this is illegal and we may need it quickly, day or night.
  • Make sure your house is clearly numbered and that it is visible from the street, you never know when we'll need to find you.
  • If your street or road sign is broken or vandalised, inform your local council to get it repaired, help us to find you quickly.

Double parked vehicles blocking emergency vehicle