Communications contact details
For the latest news releases from our press office please go to the latest news section of this website.
Media Inquiries
For media inquiries, email news@greatermanchester-ca.gov.uk or call 0161 608 4092.
Social Media
Keep up to date with our news and activities through our social media pages.
Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service (links open in a new window)
Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service - YouTube
Greater Manchester Combined Authority (links open in a new window)
Our social media accounts are monitored during office hours and are not currently monitored twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week unless there is an emergency. Find out more about how we use social media on the GMCA website.
Our GMFRS social media pages are run by officers who will try and answer as quickly as possible or signpost you to further information.
If your query is serious, involves personal details, or requires a formal response, please refer to our website to contact us.