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Preplanning for Fire

Do I need to train staff?

Fire safety training should always be given to new staff. All employees, on an ongoing basis must be aware of how to protect themselves in the event of fire – it is good practice to carry out fire drills at least once a year but it may be appropriate to practice evacuating your premises more frequently.

You can find more advice on fire safety training that is relevant to your type of premises in Part 2, Section 7 of the free guide on risk assessment (, opens in a new window).

What about people who might need help to escape?

In preplanning for a fire you need to consider all of the people who would need to escape in the event of fire, including anyone who may require assistance.

You will need to formulate an evacuation plan which must not rely on the fire and rescue service.

You may need to create a personal evacuation plan for individuals, depending on their needs and you may need to utilise special building features such as refuges. You may wish to refer to specific advice on means of escape for people with disabilities ( opens in a new window).

Further advice on preplanning for evacuation that is relevant to your type of premises can be found in the free guide on risk assessment (, opens in a new window).

How can I avoid arson?

Look critically at your premises and try to identify any factors which might increase the risk of arson, for example, excessive waste or external bins placed too close to the building.

Certain types of premises may be targeted deliberately. Others premises may be targeted because they offer easy access. In all cases, simple measures can be taken that will reduce the risk of arson at your premises.

Further guidance on arson reduction that is relevant to your type of premises can found in Part 2, Section 1 of the free guide on risk assessment (, opens in a new window).

What about my neighbours?

You must consider everyone whose safety may be threatened if there is a fire in your property.

Your fire risk assessment will identify all the people who may be in your building. You must also satisfy yourself that anyone who may be close by, including your neighbours, can escape to safety if a fire broke out in your premises.

If you share property with others, fire safety law requires you all to co-operate to ensure a co-ordinated approach to fire safety.