Fire Risk Assessments
What is a Fire Risk Assessment?
A Fire Risk Assessment is a systematic look at your premises and the activities carried out within it.
It includes identifying fire hazards and who may be affected by fire. Where necessary, the responsible person may need to take action to reduce the risk from fire.
Completing a Fire Risk Assessment is the first step to making your premises safer from fire and is a requirement by law under Article 9 of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (opens in a new window).
There is more information on Fire Risk Assessments on the government's website (opens in a new window).
Can I complete my own Fire Risk Assessment?
You may be able to complete your own Fire Risk Assessment. There is no legal requirement for you to employ someone to do your Fire Risk Assessment.
If you have the competence to carry out the Fire Risk Assessment, you can complete it yourself with the help of the simple 5-step Fire Safety Risk assessment checklist (opens in a new window).
More detailed information relevant to your type of premises can be found in the government's free guide on risk assessment (opens in a new window).
If you choose not to complete the Fire Risk Assessment yourself then you must appoint someone to complete one on your behalf - any person you appoint or employ must be competent.
Who can help me with a Fire Risk Assessment?
You may choose to seek expert advice from a competent fire risk assessor.
The National Fire Chiefs Council has developed competency standards for fire risk assessors and has published A Guide to Choosing a Competent Fire Risk Assessor (opens in a new window).
The Fire and Rescue Service cannot complete your fire risk assessment.
On your return to work it may be necessary to review your Fire Risk Assessment to ensure that it is current and reflects the way your business now operates. Consider changes such as:
- Working practices
- Stock levels
- Alterations made to the premises (i.e. one way systems)
- Staff numbers
It is essential that a fire risk assessment is undertaken and reviewed where there are changes in ways of working, processes or building layout. This may include the holding open of fire doors with unsuitable devices, this is not permitted. Consider the use of sanitiser stations on both sides of the fire door and keep the door closed.
It is important that when changes in measures to control the spread of Covid-19 are implemented following Government guidance, they are also considered in the context of your premises’ fire risk assessments (opens in a new tab), to help manage and mitigate the risk of fire as much as much as reasonably practicable.
Any significant changes identified should be recorded where necessary and actioned as required within appropriate timescales.
It is strongly recommended that you regularly review your fire risk assessment.
Consider the following:
Risk reduction
Take all reasonable measures to reduce the risk of fire, for example, isolating all non-essential equipment, services and machinery.
Changes in risk
The level of risk associated with your premises may have increased due to the current situation, for example, increased waste, storage, additional stock levels. This should be addressed as part of your updated fire risk assessment.
Testing and maintenance of fire safety equipment
Your fire safety equipment, including fire detection and warning systems, sprinklers, emergency lighting and extinguishers need to remain in good working order and should be regularly tested and maintained as normal.
Evacuation procedures
Are there still appropriate numbers of staff to ensure evacuation of the premises can be safely completed?
Lone workers
With the reduction in staff numbers you should consider if the fire detection and warning system in place is adequate to warn relevant people of fire.
Maintaining fire safety measures
Whilst you have been closed have you maintained your premises:
- Fire detection system
- Fire extinguishers
- Emergency lighting
Timely maintenance is vital for the safety of your business and those that use the premises.
Any changes in risk identified during your fire risk assessment review should be communicated to all employees, and where measures are put in place necessary training should be provided.
Arson reduction
Due to the potential increased stock and the period of closure, the amount of waste you generate may increase. Care should be taken when dealing with this waste, as accumulated rubbish outside of the premises provides a potential target for arson which could damage your business.
Ensure your premises are secure and any waste or combustible items are stored safely, securely and where possible away from the premises.
Means of escape
Ensure that your escape routes remain available and doors open correctly as they may have seized up whilst not in use. If you share an escape route remember that those other businesses may not be open. This should be supported with adequate escape signage and lighting to identify the escape routes to be used in event of fire.
Where staff numbers have changed, businesses must ensure that they continue to provide appropriate staff training. If you haven’t undertaken staff training for some time, ensure that all staff know what to do in a fire situation.
If those people with specific tasks such as fire wardens, have not returned to work, ensure that other suitably trained staff are available. You must consider the needs of lone workers and their safety. Is there still the capacity to help people with a disability and any persons who may require assistance in an emergency?
Fire doors
We have identified that some premises are wedging open self-closing fire doors as a Covid-19 control measure (intended to reduce the need to touch locks and door handles). Self-closing fire doors are fitted within your premises to prevent the spread of smoke and fire and to protect and maintain escape routes. It is essential that these doors are kept shut at all times.
GMFRS strongly recommends that you speak with your insurance company to ensure that your policy still covers your premises at this time.