GMFRS urges residents to stay safe this Christmas and New Year
As Christmas draws near, Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service (GMFRS) has launched a campaign reminding residents to enjoy festivities safely.
In addition to a video message from the Greater Manchester High Rise Task Force and the Manchester Cladiators (link open in new tab), GMFRS will run a #12DaysOfFireSafety campaign from today up until New Year’s Day, which you can like and share on Twitter and Facebook.
Aimed primarily at residents living in flats, the campaign will remind people of crucial fire safety advice such as keeping building escape routes clear of clutter like Christmas trees and bulky decorations, and not using any kind of open fire on balconies.
However, many of the fire safety tips in the campaign will apply to everyone, such as making sure to test smoke alarms regularly.
Paul Duggan, Head of Prevention at GMFRS, said: “Christmas is an extremely busy time of year for our firefighters.
“Residents can help relieve some of this burden by taking basic steps to keep safe. For example, by taking care not to leave candles or cooking unattended, and not overloading plug sockets with Christmas lights and electronic toys.
“It has been an extraordinarily difficult year, and many people might want to let off some steam over the festive season. If you will be drinking, please do so responsibly: don’t drink if you are cooking and take extra care with candles and cigarettes.
“GMFRS wishes all of our residents a happy and safe Christmas and New Year.”
Follow and support the campaign on Twitter (link opens in new tab), Facebook (link opens in new tab) and Instagram (link opens in new tab).
Article Published: 21/12/2020 17:00 PM