Supporting Businesses to Comply with the Law

Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service is committed to supporting those we regulate to understand and comply with their legal obligations to keep their premises, employees and the public safe.

The core purpose underpinning our protection work is “to ensure the safety of the public and firefighters by identifying, investigating and reducing risk. We will work with others to identify risks and develop solutions to improve safety through engagement, advice and enforcement”.

We know that by working with others we can better understand risks and share this knowledge to ensure that not only can we provide a safe and effective response to fires but more importantly we can influence building design and management to prevent fires occurring. We want to support those we regulate to reduce the risk of a fire occurring, protecting the built environment and reducing the impact of fires on the environment.

Our Business Engagement Framework

We have developed a Business Engagement Framework which sets out how we will deliver against the commitments in our Protection Strategy:

  • Improving our business engagement to offer information in a range of ways which are inclusive and easily accessible
  • Working with others to prepare for legislative change by providing guidance and support
  • Thematic targeting of advice and information aligned to our risk based inspection programmes
  • Sharing information about the causes of fire with key stakeholders to reduce risks in our communities

GMFRS Protection Business Engagement Framework (PDF, 952KB)

As part of our Business Engagement, we will be hosting online sessions via Microsoft Teams which will allow those responsible for managing fire safety to access information and support – these sessions are generally targeted at specific sectors.  

Fire Safety in Licensed Premises

In November 2023, we ran sessions for owners and managers of pubs, bars and restaurants to provide an overview of fire safety responsibilities, how changes to the Fire Safety Order affect licensed premises, and explain the risks posed by indoor fireworks and the standards required for interior decorations.

If you missed the session, you can download the presentation below:

Fire Safety in Licensed Premises - Presentation 2023 (WeTransfer link)

Upcoming Events

Details of upcoming events will be made available in due course.