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Help your loved ones stay safe this Christmas with fire safety e-card

Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service (GMFRS) is asking residents to help make sure everyone stays safe from fire this Christmas by sending a special festive e-card to their loved ones.

The Service has produced an e-card containing important fire safety advice which people can send virtually to family members, friends and neighbours who may be vulnerable or spending Christmas alone and who may not have access to information online.

Whether sending via WhatsApp, sharing on social media, or simply showing to friends, family and neighbours over a video call or at a safe distance if they don’t have a mobile phone, the card gives residents an easy way to show someone they are thinking of them this Christmas.

Graphic explaining top safety tips, test smoke alarms, don't smoke in bed, don't leave candles or cooking unattended, don't overload plug sockets and don't sit too close to fires or heaters

GMFRS’ Head of Prevention, Paul Duggan, said: “While many of us are gearing up to spend Christmas with our families, thousands of people across Greater Manchester will be spending the festive period alone.

“One thing that we have seen in spades this year is people looking out for each other in their communities and in their own families, particularly those who are vulnerable or live alone. This Christmas we wanted to build on that by creating a simple way for people to share important fire safety advice with their neighbours and loved ones.

“Our new e-card gives people an easy way of sharing some top tips to help keep people safe and let others know that someone is thinking of them. One share really could save someone’s life.”

The e-card can be downloaded from this link or via @manchesterfire on social media. 

Paul added: “We all want to enjoy Christmas after what has been a tough year and to do this, we need to make sure we are keeping ourselves and others safe.

“This includes simple things like not leaving cooking or candles unattended, regularly testing your smoke alarms, not overloading plug sockets, never smoking in bed and ensuring cigarettes are fully extinguished.

“Taking these steps will ensure that everyone has a happy Christmas safe from fire.”

More advice on keeping safe at Christmas can be found by going to

If you are sending a e-card to someone, please let us know by sending a picture of you doing so by tagging us @Manchesterfire on Twitter and using the hashtag #SpiritofGM

16/12/2020 15:57 PM