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GMFRS and Dovestone Safety Marshalls come together to help prevent moorland fires

Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service (GMFRS) has met with Dovestone Women’s Institute, meaning its members are now equipped with safety advice and materials to hand out to people they come across while patrolling their local moors.

On the evening of May 10, 2019, Station Manager Dave Swallow and Lesley Allen from GMFRS met with the Dovestone Safety Marshalls at Boarshurst Band Club in Greenfield, and gave advice to the group in a bid to keep people safe when on the moors and around water.

Station Manager Dave Swallow said: “We are happy to have the Women’s Institute on board to help prevent wildfires and keep people safe while out enjoying the moors. The enthusiasm of the Dovestone Safety Marshalls has been brilliant and hopefully by them having a presence in the area will help to reduce the amount of fires we experience.

“GMFRS continues its work in preventing wildfires – whether this is by our community safety staff and volunteers visiting beauty spots across Greater Manchester like Dovestone Reservoir, or our firefighters carrying out wildfire training, working with local gamekeepers, and even our social media messaging.

“We continue to ask people to take care, especially when on the moors, and never light a barbecue or start any kind of fire. These fires are devastating and the consequences so costly – to the community, the environment and also to our Service and resources.”

The Dovestone Safety Marshalls will support work already undertaken by GMFRS and other organisations in the area in a bid to stop moorland fires from starting.

Jess Moreland, President of Dovestone Women’s Institute, said: “Dovestone W.I. based in Saddleworth have launched a volunteer safety marshall initiative within the community. The sole purpose of these volunteers is to act as a deterrent only and of their own volition.

“Our marshalls will not be attempting to extinguish fires, or challenge anyone they come across using a disposable barbecue or lighting fires. We are a neighbourhood watch for the countryside.

“An online rota will be set up for all the Dovestone Safety Marshalls to access and manage their own time to ensure full and consistent support.”

Safety advice in relation to moorland blazes pushed out by GMFRS and the Dovestone Safety Marshalls focusses on preventing people starting fires on the moors – whether this be accidental or deliberate.

To help prevent moorland fires and keep the countryside safe, advice includes:

13/05/2019 12:45 PM