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Safety Campaign

Celebrate Hanukkah safely urges fire service

Stay safe and look after yourselves while celebrating Hanukkah is the message from Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service (GMFRS).

The celebrations, while a special time of the year, bring increased risk of accidental fires due to the increased use of candles and oils.

GMFRS are asking all observing Hanukkah to think carefully about how candles are used:

  • If using a menorah you should place it on a sturdy, non-flammable surface such as marble, glass or metal
  • Never place a candle holder near curtains or flammable materials
  • Avoid areas where the menorah could be easily knocked over
  • Ensure smoke alarms are fitted wherever candles are used
  • Only use suitable glass or metal containers to burn candles or oil in

GMFRS offers free visits to people’s homes, called Safe and Well visits, to assess fire risks, fit free smoke alarms as appropriate and provide a range of safety advice, including fire safety.

Ben Levy, GMFRS Area Manager, said: “Hanukkah is a special occasion and I want everyone to be safe and happy as they celebrate.

“Make sure you are sensible when lighting and placing candles or oil around your home, especially if leaving them burning overnight. It does not take much to accidentally start a fire so please follow our safety advice.

“If you do come across a fire then don’t panic, don’t take risks and don’t try and tackle it yourself. Remember pikuach nefesh, get out, stay out and call us out on 999.”

Last year firefighters attended a number of house fires started by unattended candles, including a significant one caused by a menorah at Hanukkah, causing substantial damage and dampening the festivities.

Ben added: “Luckily nobody was injured but the families involved had to face the devastation of not being able to return to their homes during what should be a special time of celebration with loved ones.

“If you would like to lower your chances of an accidental fire ruining your celebrations please call us on 0800 555 815 to arrange a free Safe and Well visit.

“Please have a happy and safe Hanukkah. Chag Sameach.”

Anyone who wishes to talk to GMFRS about fire safety or to book a free Safe and Well visit can call 0800 555 815.

19/12/2018 13:56 PM